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JAX - Food Grade Industrial Lubricants Since 1955

JAX - Food Grade Industrial Lubricants Since 1955

JAX INC. is a US-based, international industrial lubricant manufacturer with expertise formulating high-performance synthetic lubricants, fleet and heavy-duty lubricants, industrial lubricants and biodegradable and food-grade lubricants. Since 1955, JAX has earned a worldwide reputation as a leader in emergent lubrication technology.
With a daily blending capacity of over 100,000 gallons, JAX lubricants protect extremely diverse OEM machinery.

Why JAX Food Grade Lubricants?
JAX lubricants are compounded with the finest raw materials and additive chemistries in the industry. Formulation decisions are based on performance and quality which ultimately lead to substantial, verifiable cost savings in terms of extended machine life, reduced downtime and increased production. With around 250 food grade lubricants using premium additives selected by JAX, there is a brought portfolio of products to choose from. JAX team reacts quickly to new opportunities and is motivated to also solve individual-specific lubrication issues with innovative tactics and novel chemistries.

Food-grade Industries
Formulated specifically to meet requirements from NSF H1 for occasional contact to NSF 3H for approved direct contact with food products in the food and beverage processing industries. They can be used in food processing equipment as an anti-corrosive film, as a separating agent in joints or sealant and as a lubricant for parts of machines and equipment where the lubricated part is potentially or unavoidably exposed to food.

  • Baking
  • Beverage
  • DairyFruit and vegetable proccessing
  • Fish and seafood industry
  • Meat and poultry
  • Farming
  • Can manufacturing

The formulation of JAX industrial lubricants is based on performance and quality, which ultimately leads to substantial and verifiable savings in terms of extended machine life, reduced downtime, maintenance of lubricants and increase of the production.

  • Food-grade industrial lubricants
  • High-performance synthetic lubricants
  • Fleet and heavy-duty lubricants
  • Biodegradable industrial lubricants

To find more about all the JAX Food Grade Lubricants, please contact us.

We are your technical partner.
If you need technical support or want to find out more about the possibilities for your industrial application, please contact us and one of our experts will come back to you.

 JAX - Food Grade Industrial Lubricants Since 1955 JAX - Food Grade Industrial Lubricants Since 1955
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