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Improve Performance Of Chains: Molykote® Greases, AFC, And Oils

Improve Performance Of Chains: Molykote® Greases, AFC, And Oils

Chains play a critical role in industrial applications, offering efficiency and durability in harsh environments. However, without proper lubrication, their performance can suffer, leading to inefficiency, wear, and potential damage. With the use of Smart Lubrication™ through Molykote® greases, anti-friction coatings (AFC), and oils we can control friction, protect components, and extend chain lifespan. These advanced lubricants help minimize downtime, reduce maintenance costs, and optimize equipment functionality even in the most challenging conditions. 

Chains advantages
Chains offer various advantages:
  • High level of efficiency
  • Robustness
  • The ability to work in hostile environments.

Without a Smart Lubrication™, these advantages can be lost.

Smart Lubrication™
  • Without Smart Lubrication™ that controls the coefficient of friction, you may find reduced efficiency due to a loss in transmission power.
  • Without Smart Lubrication™ that controls the tension between consecutive joints: you may have unexpected high loads with the chance of irreparable damage.
  • Without Smart Lubrication™ that PROTECTS the pins and bushings from the mating surface and the temperature: you may find the chain to ELONGATE, endangering the correct functioning of your equipment
  • .Without Smart Lubrication™ that PROTECTS the chains from harsh environments and chemicals: RUST may form, compromising the solidity of the materials and the disassembly.
  • Without Smart Lubrication™, surface PITTING on the sides of the links as well as other failure modes, are more prone to appear and make your chain to malfunction.
  • Without Smart Lubrication™ that CONTROLS the coefficient of friction, you will rapidly wear out the joints: resulting in too much FRICTION and power consumption, causing harmful temperature rise.

Molykote® Greases, AFC, and Oils provide corrosion protection, cushion to impact forces, and a consistent coefficient of friction.




These additives provide enhanced lubricating properties to increase life expectancy of your chain, avoiding downtimes and maintenance costs.

With a Smart Lubrication™ you can CONTROL the coefficient of friction and PROTECT the chain pins and bushings from the external elements.

With Molykote® Greases, AFC, and Oils you can PROTECT components and CONTROL your maintenance.

We are your technical partner
If you need technical support or want to find out more about the possibilities for your industrial application, please contact us and one of our experts will come back to you. 

Improve Performance Of Chains: Molykote® Greases, AFC, And Oils

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