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HÖNLE UVATEC high-performance disinfection modules | New

HÖNLE UVATEC high-performance disinfection modules | New

Hönle UVATEC modules offer effective surface disinfection through UVC irradiation – a reliable and environmentally compatible alternative to chemical methods. 
UVATEC UV disinfection modules have CAD-optimised reflector geometriy to guarantee the highest irradiance possible hence ensuring very good inactivation rates even for highly resistant micro-organisms. The irradiation times required do not exceed 0.5 seconds. Thanks to their compact and slender design as well as to their high UV yield, UVATEC modules can be adapted to very different specifications.

System control:
  • lamp output levels can be varied in 3 steps or controlled continuously from 30% to 100%, PLC optional
  • half power stand-by operation if shutters are closed 
  • individual interface to the production machine 
  • switch cabinet in stainless steel

UVATEC lamp unit propperties:
  • splash proof housing made of stainless steel corresponding to the IP65 standards (optional: IP67) 
  • integrated, pneumatically operated shutter system - controlled by the operation of the filling machine 
  • high-performance UV lamp with low ozone output in arc lengths from 100 to 1750 mm manufactured in our own lamp production company
  • specific lamp power output up to 236 W/cm 
  • CAD-optimised reflector geometry 
  • dichroic reflector sheets for heat reduction (optional) 
  • air-cooling; water-cooled reflector system is available optionally 
  • easy maintenance because of lateral lamp insert 
  • optional quartz glass filter equipped with a breakage

HÖNLE UVATEC high-performance disinfection modules

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HÖNLE UVATEC high-performance disinfection modules | New
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